There are several practical things that you can do which will help u avoid lust and sex marriage:
- Read the bible and pray together (this is always a good idea!)
- Pray for yourself and your partner, that you will be sexually pure and God will guard you against temptation.
- Talk about it with each other and be honest. This after all is the key to any good and lasting relationship. Ask her what she finds difficult or temting and serve her by avoiding such situations.
- Avoid situations that you know will be likely to tempt you (being alone in with her in a private place for example or if you are in a room together always leave the door open). This does not mean you cannot have privacy to talk about things together but seek to have these in places where you cannot be tempted to go further.
- Ask a select group of friends to “keep you honest”. Give them permission to aks you about it and be honest with them.
May God bless you in your relationship as you strive to honour Him in every way.