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Showing posts from July 3, 2016

Do you snore?

Lifestyle changes to stop snoring Lose weight. ... Exercise can also help to stop snoring. ... Quit smoking. ... Avoid alcohol, sleeping pills, and sedatives because they relax the muscles in the throat and interfere with breathing. ... Establish regular sleep patterns.

Christian Dating: Water vs Oil

With Christian dating the one Scripture that comes to mind is  2 Corinthians 6:14-15: “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness: What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?” (NIV)  It is clear that Christians need to be equally yoked, but not only in their faith. Being equally yoked has to do with being compatible and liked minded. It really is common sense. – You want to get along well with your partner? You want to fit together and enjoy being together? You want to be able to work together as a team? then , marry someone of your faith, of your belief and of your saviour. SEE ALSO Consequences Of A Bad Marriage

Christian Dating: Water vs Oil 4

Interests – These are things you spend time doing and investing in. These include extracurricular activities and leisure such as church, politics, art, gardening, sports, travel, hiking, walking, beach and water play, playing games, fishing, reading, or history for example.  You don’t have to like all the same things but you should have some common interests to build a life together. No two people can be compatible in all areas but it is important to have enough commonality that your lives can work together without being highly conflictual or one in which you will be trying to make each other change. If there are any concerns, you should think and talk them through carefully before getting married . If you keep these areas in mind, your relationship will not only please God, but you will be pleased with your partner and your partner with you.

Christian Dating: Water vs Oil 3

Beliefs – These are the things you believe in. The two biggest ones are religion and politics. Both of these involve worldviews and have a lot to do with how you see the world and will directly affect other areas of your lives. Having the same beliefs helps you to both be on the same team and it gives you things to talk about and pursue together. It forms a foundation upon which to build your life.

Christian Dating: Water vs Oil 2

It is wise to be equally yoked in these six areas: Life Goals – You want the same things in life. You envision a future that is similar. You can support each other’s education and vocational goals. You agree about having or not having children. You are in agreement about where to live.

What isn't a healthy relationship 2?

If you think your relationship is unhealthy, it’s important to think about your safety now. Consider these points as you move forward:

What Isn’t a Healthy Relationship?

What Isn’t a Healthy Relationship ? Relationships that are not healthy are based on power and control , not equality and respect. In the early stages of an abusive relationship, you may not think the unhealthy behaviors are a big deal. (To watch a 1min video, click <<<here>>> ) However


Communication is a key part to building a healthy relationship. The first step is making sure you both want and expect the same things -- being on the same page is very important. The following tips can help you create and maintain a healthy relationship: