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Showing posts from November 26, 2017


The goal of vagina care is to keep it free from irritants. As a woman, keeping your vagina healthy and sweet is important.  Your sexual organs are very valuable and must be well cared for. See also: Bananas are great . Tips for vagina care: 1.Use only warm water to wash the vagina area. Dry thoroughly with a clean towel. (If the vulva is very irritated, you can try drying it with a blow dryer set on cool). 2.The vagina cleanses itself naturally in the form of normal, vaginal discharge. Avoid using douches unless prescribed by your physician. These products can upset the natural balance of organisms. 3.Wear only white, 100 percent cotton underwear. 4. Avoid wearing nylon pants 5. Rinse underclothes carefully after washing. Or, double-rinse.  Watch this video for more


Have you ever looked at your nipples and wondered if they're normal? It turns out, they come in all different shapes and sizes. What's more, they can bring you incredible pleasure and feeling. Seriously, they’re amazing. 😍😁💆 Well, here is everything you need to know about your breasts: #1  EAT A HEALTHY DIET Eating a well balanced diet of vegetable, good quality meats and proteins, healthy fats, and nurient-dense foods is essential to being vital and healthy. Make sure to get plenty of essential fatty acids and anti-oxidant rich foods.  Buy as much organic foods as you can ( Learn : how to keep the vagina sweet ).   Reduce the amount of processed sugars whether it's called invert syrup, corn syrup, maltose or came Surat, and simple carbohydrates in your diet, both things that create inflammation and acidity in the body. #2  MOISTURIZE DAILY Breasts actually have the most tender, thin, and sensitive skin on your whole body! It’s up to you to kee