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Showing posts from May 29, 2016

OMG!!! naked dressing!!!

Many youth in our country today have embraced indecent ways of dressing because they think it’s a way to show that they know how to dress or that they know what fashion is. They now see decent dresses as old fashion, sometimes this happens because there is no good advice from either close relatives or parents.


ONE OF THE MOST STUPID AND NONSENSE statement ON EARTH: "Marriage doesn't cure lust, if it did, adultery wouldn't exist. Don't view marriage as a sex release. Self control is still a requirement. Lust doesn't care if you are married or single. You may be Solomon in wisdom or David in praise or Abraham in faith or Joshua in war BUT if you are not Joseph in discipline, you will end up like Samson in destruction" HEAR ME: "I wonder the grain of lies in this statement that has impregnated the biblical theories, and said by most sexually-lusted preachers  for years..... It is even said by bachelors and spinsters, making it terribly nonsensical!!!!! Read: HOW CAN I FIGHT SEXUAL LUST