Greek yogurt tops the list for vaginal health and sweetness.
They help balance out your vagina's PH levels to keep things fresh down there.
The good bacteria found in yogurt improve the body’s absorption of essential nutrients, and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria like E. coli, salmonella and staphylococcus.
Get to a mall and you will find some.
2.Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are high in vitamin A which helps strengthen muscle tissues for strong, healthy vaginal walls.
It contains complex sugar which is very natural for the vagina.
3.Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Foods with omega-3 fatty acids (such as salmon and tuna) improve heart health and circulation around the body.
They also keep the blood flow pumping through the vagina.
4. Bananas
Bananas come in various types and shapes. Some are small, others bigger.
Some green and others red.
Bananas are one of the top sources of potassium, which helps to counteract the effects of foods high in sodium. Salty foods can not only diminish blood flood to the genitals (which can make it more difficult to reach orgasm), but sodium can also make you bloated.
So, while we're on the subject, here are some Reasons to Eat More Bananas.
5.Coconut Oil
Sure, coconut oil is good to eat, but this product really shines when you introduce it to your sex life. Adding coconut oil down the vagina after bath gets it more lubricated.
Also, its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties do a great job at preventing yeast infections. But do not pour it inside, just rub plenty around the vagina.
6. Mangoes
Eating of plenty mangoes naturally make your vagina smell that fruity.
It just happens like magic.
It is like chewing a peppermint gum, your mouth will quickly smell like that!
Try it!!
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