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What isn't a healthy relationship 2?

If you think your relationship is unhealthy, it’s important to think about your safety now. Consider these points as you move

• Understand that a person can only change if they want to. You can’t force your partner to alter their behavior if they
don’t believe they’re wrong.

• Focus on your own needs. Are you taking care of yourself? Your wellness is always important. Watch your stress levels,
take time to be with friends, get enough sleep. If you find that your relationship is draining you, consider ending it.

• Connect with your support systems. Often, abusers try to isolate their partners. Talk to your friends, family members,
teachers and others to make sure you’re getting the emotional support you need. Remember, our advocates are always
ready to talk if you need a listening ear.

• Think about breaking up. Remember that you deserve to feel safe and accepted in your relationship.
Even though you cannot change your partner, you can make changes in your own life to stay safe. Consider leaving your
partner before the abuse gets worse.

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